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Reporting abuse to the Blue Sky Centre

You will be met at the Blue Sky Centre (SARC) by a Crisis Worker who will make you welcome, explain the procedures to you and take any necessary information regarding the rape or sexual assault.

The Crisis Worker will consider using an ‘Early Evidence Kit’ if appropriate.

This allows them to secure forensic evidence that might be lost if you have something to eat or drink, want to brush your teeth or need to use the toilet before a medical examination can take place.

If you decide to have a medical examination, this will be conducted by a trained clinician.

The Crisis worker will be in the room with you and will help the medical practitioner to label and package any samples so that they can be analysed at a laboratory later for evidence of the offender.

For detail about the medical examination, see Blue Sky Centre - Frequently asked Questions.

If the police are not involved, you can decide whether you want the SARC to store any samples in case you change your mind.

In some circumstances, you may also agree to some samples being submitted for analysis anonymously.

The medical professional will also assess whether you need emergency contraception or treatment against the risk of infection.

The Crisis Worker, together with any other professional involved and after discussion with you, will consider what other welfare, health or protection needs you may have and will start to work with you to ensure that appropriate referrals are made to agencies that can help.

Before you leave the SARC, staff will ensure that any follow-up treatment you need is planned and arranged and that you can see an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) to help you through the aftermath of the attack.


Support services

REFUGE: WARWICKSHIRE'S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND ABUSE SERVICE . If you are experiencing domestic violence in Warwickshire, Refuge’s domestic violence and abuse service can support you and your children to keep safe. Refuge is a county-wide service that provides support to women, men and children experiencing domestic violence in Warwickshire.

Telephone: 0800 408 1552

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